The Mug’s Story

The run today was beautiful not just for the distance covered. What was wonderful was that along the way I was staring at dark clouds inside and dissolving them. So, though the legs were weary and tiring towards the end, I was feeling light inside.

In my Mind’s Radar – Running a Marathon

Discovering new terrains, creating new friendships, enjoying the high of private victories as I achieve my distance targets, feeling fitter and looking for new conquests are among the rewards that I gather as I run along. And, very likely, some of these rewards will also percolate into other areas of my life.

Customer Care – We are all Connected

Customers, our staff, our vendors and we – all belong to the same eco-system, very inter-connected. Like trees are connected to our lungs for they give us the air we breathe. We ignore one at the peril of all…..

Moving Inch by Inch at Service Square

While I do my fair share of breast beating, I also manage to get a few decent things done at office. Actually, there are quite a few happy developments taking place at Service Square, my company. From the beginning of April, Mathan has become a Director at Service Square.

Lessons from Lola – Strong and Weak Actions

Today at office, it was an exceptionally good day. The churning that happened all through the day with these thoughts doing their work ensure that. I am on a high now. I feel strong. This post is about the churning that preceded….