Seeing the World As I Am

For many years in the past, particularly during and after a very successful stint in my career, I felt content being seated on a high seat preferring to relate only … read more.

Turning a Tea of Boiling Water into Nuclear Energy

The quotation from the post came as I was going through a sense of lingering incompleteness about my previous post Being There and Showing Up. What I did not emphasise enough in my previous post is, showing up and being there only begins the journey of discoveries. What gives life and force to being there is mindfulness and intensity.

To Merge into the Background or Show Up….

An idea – even a brilliant one – remains an idea till it gains acceptability. When an idea does not get emotional buy-in from the stake holders, the chances are, they die in the embryo. The issue is not with the idea, it is with the inability to persuade. It is my responsibility, as the owner of ideas to communicate the benefits so that the world has better solutions.